Quick Warps
Quick warping is a way to shorten the animation on the warps between the Light and Dark Worlds. Each one saves 34 frames, but that adds up to about 12 and half seconds over a full NMG run.
To get a quick warp, you must stand on certain x pixel coordinates (your vertical position doesn't matter) on the screen when you warp. Each one has 2 x pixels that work. That may sound hard, but a few of them are free, and a lot of the hard ones have good ways to buffer. I'll eventually have all of them here hopefully. Also I like edge pixels to gauge my camera position rather than looking at Link, because his animation can sometimes be deceiving. Hopefully your TV doesn't cut them off, but you can come up with your own just fine if it does.
NMG Quick Warps
Very much a WIP I'll get this done some time. Mainly wanted to get flute one here because a lot of people have trouble with it.--xr
Until there is more detail written for this page, you can find basic info for all the quick warps here: Krystal's Notesmash Quickwarps
Flute Quick Warp
To help with this I recommend using your menu to the mirror as a buffer to easily see where you are and how to adjust. If you are a god though, you can switch to the mirror prior to getting the shovel to save a couple of frames on that menu, and then get the quick warp bufferless.
The general QW area from right to left:
This is a bad pixel to the right of where you need to be (XP: 142)
I like to look at the tree to the right of Link as a cue here. There's a 1 pixel gap between the right root of the tree and the edge of the screen. Pretty easy to recognize.
Here the root is perfectly aligned with the edge of the screen. You can also still see a strip of grass above the root between the edge of the screen and the leaves in the tree. This 1 of your 2 good pixels that will get the quick warp.
Here the black border of the root is cut off some, but you still have a 1px gap of grass right above it. This is your 2nd good pixel that will quick warp.
Now you can't see any grass above the root at the right edge of the screen. This is a bad pixel that won't warp you.